The Race is On!

I ran in the touring group and averaged 112.6 mph. I was only suppose to run 110 but we were having so much fun it was hard to go that slow! At 110 this was just too easy, with higher rated tires and 5-point belts I plan on running in the 125-mph class this September.


Since we left after the 100-mph group we caught up and got to pass over 10 cars. Including 5 Corvettes (2 broken on the side of the road! And one broke down NSX), a couple of Mustangs, a Porsche, and one '59 Aston that was confused and thought he had passed a Pantera! I don't know how he could have missed that yellow blur!

Here I'm passing Ellis Wouman who was obviously having a great time the whole weekend.



Steve Mooney took this shot of us going by nearing 120. Steve staked out a nice spot along the course to radar and snap photos of us Pantera racers. Way to go Steve, great shot!


Trying not to go over 120 for fear of surpassing our 124-tech speed. Over most of the 90 miles the wheel never turned more than 1 inch.

I was surprised how smooth everything went. At the 110 speed in a Pantera you didn’t even have to follow the lines of the curves. We did any ways since we had the whole road to ourselves. In the 2-mile stretch called the narrows, I slowed to 100-105 and this was the main area that needed the most attention.



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